Okay... let's just say this has been about the worst period I've ever been through in my life with bad things happening right and left, so I've not been too interested in talking about what I am eating.

Today was just as crappy as the last 300+ have been with the rain (although we needed it badly) and then finding that after working for a month at my (allegedly) cool new job, I am not getting paid because the payroll company screwed up or some bs like that. The other person who had started the same day as I had was well pissed, too. So we had to wander across the street to Charm City Cupcakes and console ourselves with a sweet.

I had just stumbled across them the other day on the blog Charm City Cupcake (no S). She mentioned it and I looked up CCCs to see where they were located. Their address said 333, but it just couldn't be that. I work at 343 and I am sure if there was a cupcake bakery a few doors down, I would have noticed it.

Someone I know happened to stop by the office this afternoon and said he and his wife were killing time before the cupcakes at CCCs were ready... huh??? Apparently, CCCs is down the street, on the other side at 326, but they were originally once-upon-a-time, located at 333. And today was dollar day at CCCs because it was their first anniversary. So we had nice strawberry and nice double chocolate cupcakes to make us feel better. But then I got some more bad news when I got home...