Market Report - July 13
Today, the market was all about blues and greens. There were loads of gorgeous blueberries. Even though I know they're one of nature's best foods, I am not wild about them. All of the fruit stalls had tons and it looks like we will have them for another week or two.
Blue hydrangeas are among my most favourite flowers, and the cool, wet spring we had has made this a banner year for them. I bought a small bunch for way too much money and they never completely recovered from sitting in the car while we were at breakfast and then the Book Thing.
There were some amazing plums, and I think they're Methley plums. They're very small, less than two inches, and just the right mixture of sweet and tart.
As always, I love the varieties of sunflowers. This week, they had some of the ones with pale centers and the mille-petaled Teddy Bear variety.
There was also something that I think is called "love lays dying" not exactly a warm and fuzzy name, but the flowers are wonderful. I am wondering how they dry! ***Kitchenography informs me that this is called "love lies bleeding", which isn't much better!
I got some pictures of the beautiful wheat grass they make drinks from, even though I am not likely to try it.
Finally, the wonderful white eggplants are in! Those, along with their model-thin purple cousins were in abundance this week.
I love your market reports. The photos are gorgeous. I'm inspired to get up early and buy even more produce than I'm already getting from the CSA. Sadly, I am just not a morning person. One of these days, I still might make it.
Thanks so much Danielle!
I think the flower is actually love-lies-bleeding which is an even more dramatic name. Very Victorian.
Wheat grass! When we lived in CA we had it blended into our Jamba Juice; granted I wouldn't likely eat it on its own merit :) Mind if I add you to my "A Side of Cheerios" blog roll?
Courtney, please do add me. I just left a comment on your post about Pho.
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