Sunday, July 8, 2007

Tomato Aspic

I was over at Food Maven (and her other blog Coconut Lime) the other day and she's hosting a retro food challenge. It involves making a wobbly food product from a cookbook from before 1985. Now, I was a bit offended by that, since I am waaay pre-1985, and don't think I am terribly retro.

Anyway, I decided to make an old summer favourite, tomato aspic. If you are me, you say those words this way: tomaaahto aspic. It's like tomato juice jello. They used to serve it at the old Woman's Industrial Exchange on Charles Street in downtown Baltimore, with their famous chicken salad with mayonaise. Again, if you're me, you say myyy-naze, sort of the French way. My family's British and Southern, so maybe that's why I talk funny.

I was at my sister's house this afternoon and she had a 1946 copy of The Joy of Cooking (now that's retro!). So I took a picture of the pages with the aspic recipes and am going to make one to submit to the Food Maven. They also had a grapefruit aspic, which sounded very interesting. Stay tuned...

Oh...there will be a small prize to the person who answers the question in the post below (and Cat, you and Dog can't answer!).


Rachel said...

Well, it is over 20 years ago! A lot of culinary trends have come and gone since then.

There is no sense making it too difficult for people, and all of the other retro recipe challenges have roughly the same guidelines.

danielle said...

I'm pre-1985, too, and not so retro. However, the trends from my childhood have come back around, so I must be getting there! :)

I've always wondered about tomato aspic. I love tomato soup, and it's like cold tomato soup jello? Doesn't sound so good to me really, but I'd be game to try it.