Do you know that...
- One in eight Americans are at risk for hunger?
- Four million Americans receive assistance from Feeding America each week?
- Children who are hungry have slower emotional, social and educational development?
- Millions of elderly Americans go to bed hungry every night?
It is so critical that those of us who are not in this position help those that are. So many people who never thought they would need food assistance are now asking for help from their local food bank. They have lost their jobs through the massive down-sizings and layoffs. They have exhausted all of their resources. Elderly people on fixed incomes are finding that costs are out-pacing their incomes.
First-time requests at food banks are at an all-time high, but the shelves are bare. Corporations and foundations have decreased their donations and individuals are so uncertain about their own finances, that their giving has slowed.
We are asking that you make a donation, even if it's just a dollar or two, or maybe take a box of canned goods to your local food bank. It will help someone who may be less fortunate than you are.
Here's the link to Feeding America, an affiliation of more than 200 food banks across the country. Chances are that your local food bank is a part of this network.
We're all in this together, and that's the way we will come through it... together.
Please help today. The need is great and the time is now. Thank you so very much.
Meg- what a great idea. I very much regret neglecting to support it with my blog! :-(
I have indeed been out of the loop. I'll put a link to it in my "Get Involved" section right away!
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