Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Market Report - June 27

The cherries are in and there were three kinds, regular bing cherries, sour cherries and the yellow cherries. I am not a big fan of foods that aren't the proper colour like yellow cherries, maroon tomatoes and green cauliflower.
I did get some of the "real" cherries and although they were small, they had a great flavour. It's usually all I can do to eat them without getting just a small drop of juice on me and ruining a shirt!
The beautiful squash and zucchini blossoms continued this week. I remember having stuffed zucchini blossoms someplace. Delish! There were also some of the patty-pan squashes and the funny little round zucchinis.
As always, the flowers were out in full force. Still lots of hanging baskets and market packs to plant, too. I am a huge fan of sunflowers, even though these still are NOT local. There were some dianthus, too. I love the blue-purple shades of them.
Finally, Gardener's Gourmet had gorgeous salad greens coloured by nasturtiums. These flowers add a nice peppery note to salads.


roopa said...

I'm SO jealous! NONE of that stuff is in season in NY! It's really weird going from Bmore to NYC in one weekend because it's like I've stepped back in time in terms of what's at the market.

Anonymous said...

You got some great shots! The market really looked bountiful this week.

Pigtown*Design said...

Roopa... for every 100 miles north you go, you lose a week in seasonality. So if the market gets things from upstate NY, they're three or four weeks behind us.

John said...

As long as it's natural I love things that are weird colors, like green tomatoes (which I scored a bagful of at Waverly's market). It's the stuff like purple ketchup and pink peanut butter that makes me ill :P